The vision of the Mora Thavmata (Miracle Babies) Association became a reality.
Miracles happen when you believe!
The Mora Thavmata (Miracle Babies) Association announces with great pleasure and satisfaction that the State Health Services Organisation (SHSO) announced a tender for the upgrade of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of the Arch. Makarios III Hospital in Nicosia.
The project, which estimated at € 5.551.975,00 + VAT and is expected to be completed in 20 months after the award of the tender, includes the renovation of the existing unit and its extension on the basis of approved specifications.
The Mora Thavmata (Miracle Babies) Association warmly thanks the SHSO (current and former Board of Directors and in particular the outgoing Chairman Mr. M. Panagidi) and the Chief Executive Officer Mr. K. Stavrides, who embraced its recommendations and proceeded with the implementation of the Project that is so much needed by our society and especially those babies who come into the world prematurely and the Association is their voice.
She also thanks the former Minister of Health, Mr. M. Hadjipantela for his contribution as well as the current Minister of Heal who completed the effort. A huge thank you to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health for her long-lasting support and invaluable help, to the management of the Makarios Hospital and the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for the great cooperation.
It would be remiss not to also thank the Auditor General and Accountant General and their Services for their valuable advice and guidance.
The practical part of the contribution of the Mora Thavmata (Miracle Babies) Association is reflected in the donation of 200,000 euros to the SHSO, consisting of the studies and the Architectural, Structural and Electromechanical Drawings of the offices Athos Dikaios and Associates, I & a Philippou and GEMAC, who worked pro bono. A very big thank you is also due to them.
Finally, and above all, a huge thank you to the people who believed in the vision of the Association and who supported it practically and with much love.
Finally, the Miracle babies, their parents and the medical and paramedical staff of the NICU, after many years of persistent efforts, will have what they need and what they rightfully deserve.
When you believe, even Miracles can happen.